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Dpto. Matemáticas


Syllabus (Syllabus Spanish)

Professors. Tutoring program.









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Continuous assesment system 2023-2024:

We will have short exams for the first four chapters with mark for each one up to 1.4 points. For chapter 5 we will have an exam, scored with up to 0.65 points. To pass the subject with the continuous assessment system you need to obtain a sum of marks of at least 5 points. If you do not reach such a minimum of 5 points or you want improve your mark, you have to attend the final exam for this purpose. In this last case, the points that you obtained in the continuous assessment system will be added to your mark in the exam multiplied by a coefficient of 0.5.


Training exam 2023/2024

In the following link

Training exam-part 1 (hand)

Training exam-part 2 (computer)

several models of exam for course 2023/2024 can be found. You can train with these models and check the correct answers with SiDoc inserting your options in the test Exam-January-hand-training and Exam-January-computer-training. Take into account that once you solve an exam model, you have to insert both your answers and the serial number that you find in the heading of each model.

Every exercise correctly answered is 1 point (therefore the maximum number of poins in the exam is 7)and every wrong exercise yields negative points (one divided by the number of options). As it was said in the paragraph before, for those attending the official January call exam, the final mark will be the sum of the exam and the continuous assesment mark multiplied with the coefficient 0.5. Anyway, in the exam you can only improve your mark, that is to say, if you obtain worse qualification in the exam, you will keep the mark that you had in the continuous assesment system.

Take into account that the points obtained in the training exams appear now in SiDoc in order to show how the assesment system works. Once the official exam is held the points for the training exams no longer will be considered.











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