syl Subjects - ADE - Mathematics I  
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Dpto. Matemáticas





In the following link

Training exam - Call Extraordinaria II

you can find several models with the same structure of final exam for the Extraordinaria II call, course 2023-2024. You can try with these models and check the correct answers by means of SiDoc. For this purpose along with your answers you have to indicate (in the field that you will find in SiDoc in the web-site to submit the answers) ) the serial number of the exam model that you are solving. The mark obtained with this training models will not be considered in the final mark.


  • The exam will have the same structura as the training exam that we find in the link above. Therefore, it will consists of 6 problems, each one with a value of 1 point. Thus the maximum mark in the exam is 6.
  • The exem will be written and it will take place in the classrooms indicated in the official call published by the faculty. No computers or practices exam will take place (the assesment of the computers classes was carried out by means of the short exams organized along the course).
  • To compute the mark of the exam, mistakes deduct points in the same way that it happens with any other list of exercises or short exam in SiDoc. Every mistake is equivalent to 1/max(2,number of options - 1) negative points. Anyway, the minimum mark in the exam is 0 in such a way that the mark of the exam will not reduce the points accummulated in SiDoc.
  • In the exam, only calculators with elementary functions to compute logarithms, sin/cos or powers are admited. No programmable calculator or calculators with functions to perform matrix or integral calculus or graphics functions will be allowed. The calculator used in the exam can be checked by the professors at any moment of the exam. In particular, laptops, computers, smart-watches, mobile phones cannot be used along the exam.
  • To pass the subject, 5 points are necessary. The ones who already accummulated 5 points in SiDoc don't need to do the exam. The ones with less than 5 have to attend the exam in order to obtain the points that they need to reach 5.
  • To pass the subject, the points in SiDoc and the ones obtained the exam will be added. To obtain "notable" or "sobresaliente" the points of the exam will be considered with a weight higher than the one for the points in SiDoc (for "notable", the exam from 0 to 7 and SiDoc from 0 to 3; for "sobresaliente" the exam from 0 to 8 and SiDoc from 0 to 2.5). The assesment system can be checked by means and SiDoc and the training exams.



System SiDoc

The lists of exercises of every chapter and short tests made in classroom will be delivered by means of the platform SiDoc that can be reached through the link


To access the system it is necessary to register by means of the button "Acceso a SiDoc" and then "Registro". You have to fill in the form with your information. It is specially important to insert the correct identity number, faculty, degree and subject (Mathematics I-Group English). You have to choose a password (ten characters length maximum) that you will use later to access the system along with your identity number from "Acceso a SiDoc" section indicated before. Once inside your profile, the option "Tests" in the left hand side menu leads you to the lists of tests that are available for you.



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