Current Research Interests:

Dr. Garcia-Lopez´s primary research and clinical interests are in the child and adult anxiety disorders, particularly focused on social anxiety disorder. His program of research includes studies designed to advancing the understanding of the psychopathology and treatment of anxiety in youth, including their etiology, psychopathology, assessment and behavioral treatment. In addition to these primary areas of focus, he has interests in cross-cultural factors and the development and dissemination of trans-national and cross-cultural empirically supported assessment and treatment protocols for children, adolescents, and young adults with social anxiety.

He has authored and co-authored several articles on the assessment and treatment of social anxiety disorder in children and adolescents. Currently, he is participating in several federally-funded research projects on the assessment and treatment of social anxiety and shyness and has published widely on this and other topics in professional journals (see below).

He currently serves as Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Jaen, Spain (Europe). He teaches various courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in Clinical and School Psychology.

He serves on the Board of Director of the journal “Behavioural Psychology” and is member of the Spanish Association of Cognitive-Behavioral-Social Psychology, the European Association of Psychotherapists, as well as the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, the Research team "Assessment and Psychological treatments" (CTS465) at the Universidad of Jaén and the Research group "Social Anxiety, Selective Mutism and Parent Training" located at the University of Murcia to name just a few.


Areas of Specialization and Interest:

Anxiety disorders, especially assessment and treatment of social anxiety disorder.


Publications (only those available in English and .pdf)

García-López, L.J., Olivares, J.,  Beidel, D.C, Albano, A.M., Turner, S.M.,& Rosa, A.I. (in press). Efficacy of three treatment protocols for adolescents with social anxiety disorder: A  5-year follow-up assessment. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.

García-López, L.J.,  Olivares, J. & Hidalgo, M.D. (2005). A pilot study on sensitivity of outcome measures for treatments of generalized social phobia in adolescents. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 5, 385-392.

Olivares, J., Ruiz, J.,  Hidalgo, M.D., García-López, L.J., Rosa, A. I. & Piqueras, J. A. (2005). Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A): Psychometric properties in a Spanish-speaking population. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 5, 85-97

Olivares, J., García-López, L.J,  Hidalgo, M.D. & Caballo, V.E. (2004). Relationships among social anxiety measures and its invariance: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 20, 172-179

García-López, L.J., Olivares, J. & Vera-Vilarroel, P.E. (2003). Social anxiety disorder: Revision of assessment measures for Spanish-speaking population. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología [Latinoamerican Journal of Psychology], 35, 151-160

Olivares, J., García-López, L.J., Beidel, D.C., Turner, S.M., Albano, A.M. & Hidalgo, M.D. (2002). Results at long-term among three psychological treatments for adolescents with generalized social phobia (I): Statistical significance. Psicología Conductual [Behavioural Psychology ], 10, 147-164

García-López, L.J., Olivares, J., Turner, S.M., Beidel, D.C., Albano, A.M. & Sanchez-Meca, J. (2002). Results at long-term among three psychological treatments for adolescents with generalized social phobia (II): Clinical significance and Effect size. Psicología Conductual [Behavioural Psychology ], 10, 371-385

Olivares, J., García-López, L.J., Hidalgo, M.D., LaGreca, A.M., Turner, S.M. & Beidel, D.C. (2002). A pilot study on normative data for two social anxiety measures: The Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory and the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 2, 467-476

 García-López, L.J., Olivares, J., Hidalgo, M.D., Beidel, D.C. & Turner, S.M. (2001). Psychometric properties of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory, the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents, the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale and the Social Avoidance and Distress scale in an adolescent Spanish speaking population. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 23, 51-59

 Olivares, J., García-López, L.J., Hidalgo, M.D., Turner, S.M. & Beidel, D.C. (1999). The Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory: Reliability and validity in a Spanish adolescent population. The Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 1999,  21, 67-78


LuisJoaquin Garcia-Lopez, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology

University of Jaen

Building D2

Jaen 23071

Spain (Europe)

Phone: 953211883

  Fax: 953211881