Scientific publications

Francisco J. Esteban

in Journals

Book chapters
  • 2011-2005

  • 2005-

Books (Editor)
  • all

DNA methylation changes in endometrium and correlation with gene expression during the transition from pre-receptive to receptive phase.
Kukushkina V, Modhukur V, Suhorutšenko M, Peters M, Mägi R, Rahmioglu N, Velthut-Meikas A, Altmäe S, Esteban FJ, Vilo J, Zondervan K, Salumets A, Laisk-Podar T. Sci Reports. 2017; 7:3916. PubMed
Cross-disorder comparative analysis of comorbid conditions reveals novel autism candidate genes.
Diaz-Beltrán L, Esteban FJ, Varma M, Ortzuk A, David M, Wall DP. BMC Genomics. 2017; 18:315 PubMed
Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Obesity Is Associated with Altered Placental Transcriptome.
Altmäe S, Segura MT, Esteban FJ, Bartel S, Brandi P, Irmler M, Beckers J, Demmelmair H, López-Sabater C, Koletzko B, Krauss-Etschmann S, Campoy C. PLoS One. 2017; 12:e0169223 PubMed
Fractal analysis in neurological diseases.
Esteban FJ, Diaz-Beltran L, Di Ieva A. In: The fractal geometry of the brain. Di Ieva A (Ed). Springer.  2016; pp:199-211
Endometrial transcriptome analysis indicates superiority of natural over artificial cycles in recurrent implantation failure patients undergoing frozen embryo transfer.
Altmäe S, Tamm-Rosenstein K, Esteban FJ, Simm J, Kolberg L, Peterson H, Metsis M, Haldre K, Horcajadas JA, Salumets A, Stavreus-Evers A. Reprod BioMed. 2016; 32:597–613 PubMed
Se detecta la expresión común de 66 genes en sangre y cerebro en autismo.
Diaz-Beltran L, Esteban FJ, Wall DP. Genética Médica News. 2016; 43:9-11
A common molecular signature in ASD gene expression: Following Root 66 to Autism.
Diaz-Beltran L, Esteban FJ, Wall DP. Transl Psych. 2016; 6:e705 PubMed
Gene expression profiling to investigate tyrosol-induced lifespan extension in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Cańuelo A, Esteban FJ, Peragón J. Eur J Nutr. 2016; 55:639-650 PubMed
Analysis of microRNA microarrays in cardiogenesis.
Franco D, Bonet F, Hernandez-Torres F, Lozano-Velasco E, Esteban FJ, Aranega AE. Meth Mol Biol. 2016; 1375:207-221 PubMed
A System Dynamics model of the population dynamics of Oestrus sp. (Diptera: Oestridae) infesting Iberian ibex, Capra pyrenaica.
Pérez JM, Moreno V, Navas J, Vélez de Mendizábal N, Quesada JM, Esteban FJ. Int J Zool. 2016; 83:130-138 Link

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Última actualización: martes, 12 noviembre 2019.