Scientific publications

Francisco J. Esteban

in Journals

Book chapters
  • 2011-2005

  • 2005-

Books (Editor)
  • all


Formation, control, and dynamics of N localized structures in the Peyrard-Bishop model.

Zamora-Sillero E, Shapovalov AV, Esteban FJ.Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2007; 76:066603.

Fractal dimension and white matter changes in multiple sclerosis.

Esteban FJ, Sepulcre J, de Mendizábal NV, Goñi J, Navas J, de Miras JR, Bejarano B, Masdeu JC, Villoslada P.  Neuroimage. 2007; 36:543-9.

Maslinic acid as a feed additive to stimulate growth and hepatic protein-turnover rates in rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss).

Fernández-Navarro M, Peragón J, Esteban FJ, de la Higuera M, Lupiáñez JA. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol
Pharmacol. 2006; 144:130-40.

Downregulation in the expression of the serine dehydratase in the rat liver during chronic metabolic acidosis.

López-Flores I, Peragón J, Valderrama R, Esteban FJ, Luque F, Peinado MA, Aranda F, Lupiáñez JA, Barroso JB. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2006; 291:R1295-302.

The expression of different superoxide dismutase forms is cell-type dependent in olive (Olea europaea L.) leaves.

Corpas FJ, Fernández-Ocaña A, Carreras A, Valderrama R, Luque F, Esteban FJ, Rodríguez-Serrano M, Chaki M, Pedrajas JR, Sandalio LM, del Río LA, Barroso JB.  Plant Cell Physiol. 2006; 47:984-94.

Localization of S-nitrosoglutathione and expression of S-nitrosoglutathione reductase in pea plants under cadmium stress.

Barroso JB, Corpas FJ, Carreras A, Rodríguez-Serrano M, Esteban FJ, Fernández-Ocaña A, Chaki M, Romero-Puertas MC, Valderrama R, Sandalio LM, del Río LA. J Exp Bot. 2006; 57:1785-93.

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Última actualización: martes, 12 noviembre 2019.