Escuela Politécnica Superior
Univesidad de Jaén
Campus Las Lagunillas
23071 Jaén
Despacho A3-141
Tlf: +34 953212893
Imparto varias asignaturas de temas variados en el Grado en Informática y en Arqueología, desde el desarrollo de servidores en Java hasta la programación de GPUs y la realidad virtual y aumentada.
I teach several courses in the Degree in Computer Science and Archaeology in topics as diverse as backend development in Java, GPU programming or virtual/augmented reality.
Grado en Informática
Degree in Computing
Grado en Arqueología
Degree in Archaeology
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Geomática y Geoinformación
Master in Geomatics Engineering and Geoinformation
Soy curioso por naturaleza, así que me interesan multitud de temas: algoritmos geométricos, programación de GPUs, procesamiento de modelos basados en nubes de puntos, aplicaciones de la realidad virtual y aumentada, etc. Soy miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Sistemas Gráficos Inteligentes (SGI)
I am naturally curious, so I am interested in many different topics: geometric algorithms, GPU computing, processing of point cloud models, applications of virtual and augmented reality, etc. I am a member of Research Group on Intelligent Graphics Systems (SGI)
Navarro, P., Cintas, C., Lucena-López, M. J., Fuertes, M., Rueda, A., Segura, R., Ogayar-Anguita, C. J., González-Jose, R., Delrieux, C. IberianVoxel: Automatic Completion of Iberian Ceramics for Cultural Heritage Studies, Proceedings of the 32th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 5833-5841 (2023)
Rueda, A. J., Martínez-Cruz, C., Díaz, A., Osuna-Pérez, M. C. Flexible evaluation of electrotherapy treatments for learning purposes Expert Systems with Applications, 219, 119621 (2023)
Rueda, A. J., Ogáyar-Anguita, C. J., Segura, R. J., Delgado, J. SPSLiDAR: towards a multi-purpose repository for large scale LiDAR datasets International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 36, 992-1011 (2022)
Graciano, A., Rueda, A. J., Pospísil, A., Bittner, J., Benes, B. Quadstack: an efficient representation and direct rendering of layered datasets. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 27, 3733-3744 (2021)
Ogáyar, C. J., Rueda, A. J., Segura, R. J., Medina, M. A GPU-Based framework for generating implicit datasets of voxelized polygonal models for the training of 3D convolutional neural networks. IEEE Access, 8, 12675-12687 (2020)
Segura, R. J., del Pino, F. J., Ogáyar, C. J., Rueda, A. J. VR-OCKS: A virtual reality game for learning the basic concepts of programming. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28: 31-41 (2020)
Ortega, J., Segura, R. J., Rueda, A. J., Ogayar, C. J. A prototype of virtual reality system for the visualization, exploration and modeling of huge point clouds. Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica (CEIG), Madrid (2018)
Negrillo-Cárdenas, J., Rueda-Ruiz, A.J., Ogáyar-Anguita, C. J., Lomas-Vega, R., Segura-Sánchez, R. A System for the Measurement of the Subjective Visual Vertical using a Virtual Reality Device. Journal of Medical Systems, 42: 124 (2018)
Graciano A., Rueda, A. J., Feito F. R. A formal framework for the representation of stack-based terrains. International Journal on Geographic Information Science, 32: 1999-2022 (2018)
Graciano, A., Rueda, A.J., Feito, F.R. Real-time visualization of 3D terrains and subsurface geological structures. Advances in Engineering Software, 115: 314-326 (2018)
Graciano, A., Rueda, A. J., Ortega, L., Feito, F. R. Towards a hybrid framework for the visualization and analysis of 3D spatial data. UrbanGIS'17: 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics, Redondo Beach, CA (USA) (2017)
Rueda, A. J., Noguera, J. M., Luque, A. A comparison of native GPU computing versus OpenACC for implementing flow-routing algorithms in hydrological applications. Computers & Geosciences, 87 (2016)
Díaz-Fernández, A., Jiménez-Delgado, J. J., Osuna-Pérez, M. C.; Rueda-Ruiz, A.; Paulano-Godino, F., Development and Implementation of a Mobile Application to Improve University Teaching of Electrotherapy International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning (IMCL), San Diego (USA, 2016)
Noguera, J. M., Rueda, A. J., Espada, M. A., Martín, M. Optimized generation of stereoscopic CGI films by 3D image warping. Computer Graphics Forum, 33 (2014)
Martínez, F., Ogayar, C. J., Jiménez, J. R., Rueda, A. J. A simple algorithm for Boolean operations on polygons. Advances in Engineering Software, 64 (2013)
Rueda, A. J., Noguera, J. M., Martínez, C.. A flooding algorithm for extracting drainage networks from unprocessed digital elevation models. Computers & Geosciences, 59 (2013)
Rueda, A. J., Feito, F. R. EL-REP: A new 2D geometric decomposition scheme and its applications. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17 (2011)
Ortega, L., Rueda, A. J. Parallel drainage network computation on CUDA. Computers & Geosciences, 36 (2010)
Rueda, A. J., Ruiz de Miras, J., Feito, R. GPU-based rendering of curved polygons using simplicial coverings. Computers & Graphics, 32 (2008)
Noguera, J. M., Rueda, A. J., Segura, R. J., Ogayar, C. J. Voxelización de solidos mediante instanciación de geometría. Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica (CEIG), Barcelona (2008)
Rueda, A. J., Ortega, L. Geometric Algorithms on CUDA. XVII International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (GRAPP), Funchal (Portugal) (2008)
Ogayar, C. J., Rueda, A. J., Segura, R. J., Feito, F. R. Fast and simple hardware accelerated voxelizations using simplicial coverings. The Visual Computer, 23 (2007)
Rueda, A. J., Feito, F. R., Ortega, L. M. Layer-based decompositions of solids and its applications. The Visual Computer, 21 (2005)
Soy alpinista, escalador de montaña, buceador y ciclista de larga distancia. He realizado innumerables viajes por todo el mundo. He aquí una muestra.
I am alpinist, mountain skier, diver and long-distance cyclist. I have made countless trips around the world. Here is a sample.